
2022-06-25 18:20:09



成长英语作文 篇1

The most precious possession of man is life, and there is only one life!

The preface

Cherish life and grow healthily. This is our right, it is our duty. Because, life not only belongs to own life, also belongs to the most care about our people -- parents, you may have thought that parents give their love? How much do parents pay for themselves?

In school, students sometimes fights, light skin trauma, severe head broken and bleeding. In September 23, 20xx US middle school three dozen, one person died, all relevant personnel detention, give students a wake-up call. There is a contradiction between students, we can find a teacher to help solve, or mutual concessions apology, do not violence to solve! Life in bloom may be too soon to be redeemed for an irretrievable mistake!

Life only once! As long as you live, you are lucky! Count the Wenchuan earthquake and the Yushu earthquake...... Merciless scourge. How many lives have been killed?! The people in the disaster area to live, but God did not give them a chance to j compared to the place where we live, and the people's life and health, we are to learn to cherish life, healthy growth.

In daily life, we have to prevent electric shock, fire, drowning prevention, enhance the sense of crisis: in school life, to speak the order set team, rally, not crowded, not chasing in the classroom, in the corridor......

Dear students, life is fragile, and may we all walk on the road of cherishing life and healthy growth. The future is beautiful, let us move towards the future with a healthy and happy pace!

成长英语作文 篇2

Time keeps going and we are growing up. Every growth is different, but the same is that everyone's growth is happy, happy, also bumpy, full of worry.

In my memory, before I went to school, I was carefree, and I spent this time in the country. Besides eating, I was playing without any worries. Every day, I play hide-and-seek with my little friends, go to the fields to catch little bugs, play tired, and eat at home. In the evening, my grandmother would hold me and sit in the yard and enjoy the beautiful night scene, telling me the story, and I would always go to the sweet dreamland with my grandma's story.

In memory, the time in kindergarten is joyful and afraid. after the kindergarten, I will leave my dear mom and dad, grandparents, and every day I can't and family together, I am very afraid, but you can think of every day and many children play games together, painting, and tower blocks, I will feel happy, happy. In the evening, I always talk to my family about the funny things that happened in kindergarten.

In memory, the time of primary school is joyful and vexed. Just step into the elementary school, I have some curious, gradually, I got familiar with here, had many good friends, and every day the teacher can teach us a lot of knowledge, also taught us to write and read pinyin, I had a very happy every day. However, with the growth of grade, learning is no longer an easy task. I am overwhelmed by the mountains of homework every day, and I have to struggle to write a composition. How many times I want to give up learning, the anticipation of the teacher and the parents gave me the motivation to move forward. So, I a good spirit, a lot of reading, also discuss with students the class does not understand the topic, gradually, my grades by leaps and bounds, from the downstream has been rising to the top three classes, I was so happy! The time in primary school taught me the truth of "no pain, no gain".

Growth is happy, growth is good, and growth is also bumpy, but everyone will grow up, let us no longer complain, no longer whine, in the optimism of the growth!

成长英语作文 篇3

We all want to grow up happily and healthily, and for this goal we must do several things.

Firstly, we should develop a good attitude to life. Life consists of not only sunshine but also hard times. We should be brave in front of difficulties. Secondly, we must study hard because knowledge is power. If we have the power, we can help to build our country and enjoy life better. Lastly, in order to study well, we need to do sports so that we can keep fit. We can go running, play ball games or simply take a walk after a day's study. If we do those things well, we will be able to grow up happily and healthily.



成长英语作文 篇4

Once I read the story that the little eagles needed to practice flying in the cliff before they could fly. The successful ones could fly and became the strong birds while the failed ones would crash and then died.

The mother eagles are brutal to the babies, but this is the price of growing up. The little eagles who fail to fly would not live long in the natural competition.

It makes me think of the children, some parents spoil the kids and they don’t realize it will destroy their children. The children need to learn the lessons, so that they can be the tough person. The road of being mature needs the price.


成长英语作文 篇5

This morning my father took me to a big square to learn how to ride a bike.To begin with,I was too afraid to have a try."Don't be a coward.Have a try,and you'll find it easy." Father encouraged me.Therefore,I got on the bike carefully.Father held the bike for me.l rode unsteadily,and soon became very tired.But I went on riding after a short rest.Fortunately,two hours later,I could ride the bike by myself.I was so delightful that l fell off and hurt my leg suddenly.I couldn't help crying.But Father said,“It doesn't matter.Failure is the mother of success." Sweating all over,I continued to ride with my hurt leg.Eventually,I could ride with the help of my Father and my effort.l felt very happy because I not only learned the skill of riding a bike,but also learned some truth:Nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it.


今天上午,我随爸爸来到一个大广场学骑自行车。一开始,我很害怕,不敢骑。爸爸鼓励我说:“别害怕,试试吧,试了就知道不难了。”我小心翼翼地上了车,同时爸爸为我扶着车,一开始我骑得很不稳,很快就感觉到累了,但是休息片刻我仍继续尝试,很幸运的是两个小时之后我就能自己骑了。我太兴奋了,突然我从车上摔了下来,腿也受伤了,我忍不住哭了起来。 但爸爸说:“没关系,失败乃成功之母嘛。”我浑身汗淋淋的,坚持用受伤的腿使劲蹬车,最后在爸爸的鼓励和自己的努力下学会了。我真是大高兴了,因为我不但学会了骑车,还懂得了一个道理:世上无难事,只怕有心人。

成长英语作文 篇6

looking back, we have already grew up, 18 has often hung in the mouth. Once upon a time, that is so sacred 18 years old, only know when we grow up, can fly. But now, when I really must face it, when suddenly feel a vague unprepared. I worry about whether oneself can fully understand 18 this ordinary digital contain rich connotations, but I understand, 18 means responsibility. Maybe growth itself is a kind of responsibility!

成长英语作文 篇7

From the birth of the teeth of the language to the present can run to jump clear speech, I was growing up.

Kindergarten, and children quarrel will cry; preschool class quarrel will be angry; now began to learn reason.

This is the process of growth.




成长英语作文 篇8

From prattles and toddler to not fear difficulties, go forward, in which we all grow, it is also the transformation growth of the time and time again, I had a deeper understanding of growth. Through this transformation, we grow, although there will be painful company, but this is also our path.

The cold night, a little white night light, makes everything seem so desolate. I was on my way home alone, with only a few people around me, like a poor bum.

A lamp, shooting the white light, a red circle on the paper is more vivid and clear. Looked at the red circle on the paper, mind can not help but think of father's serious expression, as if, like a spear thorn in my heart, even brother that caring vision was to his disdain, I really fail?

A sudden surge of confidence and upward flow came to my heart, and a stream of cold water rushed into my face and pulled back my sinking heart. Can't I really stand up? No, even in the dark, I will use my own determination to open up a bright path to success.

The teacher told me: failure is not terrible, terrible is not to get up from the failure of the confidence. I use the pen as the wheel, with determination as the engine, with that incessant reading sound to cheer the slogan. I was walking in the vast sea of books, thinking and struggling. I knew that the journey to the gate of learning the temple was hard, so I tried harder to regain my confidence.

The crow woke up the sleeping sun, ushered in the dawn of a new day, I came to the toilet, a handful of cold water to make myself more sober, a smile, I can.

In the afternoon, as the bell rang, other students walked out of the classroom to eat, but I was struggling with a difficult problem. When I couldn't think of a way to solve the problem, I asked the teacher, and in the careful explanation of the teacher, I felt "the village of the willows", and then I came to the canteen with a satisfied smile. And so, in a day insist on efforts, I finally improved, although in this which I have been tired, tired, bitter, even had to give up the idea of, but in the end I still insist on down, and the faith of the heart is still there.

When I cross another mountain, looking back, I can't help thinking that this is the transformation of growth. Growing up is like a boat in my life, traveling on the waves, sometimes calm, sometimes turbulent waves. Although my boat of growth is not smooth sailing, there will also be a variety of wind waves. But for me, even if the sour and sweet and bitter taste, but I believe that this is the taste of growth!

成长英语作文 篇9


Novel coronavirus was a dream that I had imagined many times before winter vacation. But I thought of countless possibilities, but I was surprised to see that by surprise, a new virus called "new coronavirus" came to change everything.


I don't understand how terrible the virus is, but I see that everyone can't go out to play and visit their elders. Every time I go out, my mother asks me to wear a good mask and wash my hands when I get home. Every time I turn on the TV, I'm reporting the epidemic situation. The adults are discussing the epidemic situation, and I feel scared. Fortunately, I have my dear parents, my dear brother, so I don't feel lonely.


What I can do now is to stay at home with my family. If I don't run around, I won't make trouble for the doctor. I hope that Grandpa Zhong Nanshan will lead the medical team to develop a vaccine to kill this terrible virus as soon as possible. It will not hurt so many people, but also let us go out and breathe fresh air as soon as possible and play.


I also want to thank the angels in white for their hard work day and night. I must study hard, and I will be able to contribute when my motherland needs me in the future!


