
2021-08-22 22:40:26



话题英语作文 篇1

The desire for freedom is the nature of people.However, people actually are in the pursuit of equality that we are fairly to participate in economic activities and social activities.But can equality come overnightWe might as well take the gender inequality for an example.

Women seemed to be the least important creatures in the world in ancient times in China. At that time the criterion whether a woman was good or not was obedient.It meant that women were subordinate to men, not to mention the so-called liberty or equality.What they have was just the responsibility of taking care of the household.

As time goes by, tremendous changes have happened to women’s status. Being permitted to receive education makes women have the chance to compete with men and change their destinies. Nowadays, such cases are ordinary that people work together regardless of gender and even Women are in a leadership role. Wornen’s status arrives at an unprecedented level which can be called as equality to some extent.

However, the situation is not so optimistic as the majority of women think. In effect, women are far from being equal to men as a result of the inveterate superiority of men. Although thepeople keeps on saying that women should be treated equally, the idea that men are better than women still exerts a subtle influence on people’s minds. When we open a recruitment ad ,"only men are eligible" is dazzling right thereThat is the reality.

In my opinion,the concept that people subconsciously tend to value men will not change in a short time. Because weakness of attitude can become weakness of character. Women have characteristic disadvantages that they fail to contend with themselves. However, what I want to point out here is that some women despise themselves and they rely on men. Women think it is perfectly justified for men to open door for them and pay for dinner.Does it make senseHow can you ask others to treat you equally while you have admitted the inequality in advance

Consequently , I have to say to women that changing yourselves and getting your rights.

话题英语作文 篇2

My middle school life will be over soon. I will become a high school student. I am so excited and curious about the new life, but at the same time, I feel sad to say goodbye to my classmates and teachers. They have accompanied me for three years. My classmates and I studied together, we made progress and helped each other. My teachers took care of me all the time. They were like my parents. Of course, my parents occupy the most important place in my heart. They support me all the time. Sometimes when I am naughty, they will be very patient to educate me. I want to say thank you to them. I have grown up and become stronger.


话题英语作文 篇3

Everyone is eager for success and is afraid of failure. But in fact, failure is almost inevitable on the way to success. Failure and success just like a teacher and student. It is the large number of failure to guide us to success step by step.

Failure teaches us too much. First of all, failure make us see ourselves clearly. No one in the world is the wizard almighty, and we are all just good at some aspects. Failure let us know our own strengths and weaknesses, and enable us to find what is the most suitable for our own direction. Only concentrate investment can create a good self. Secondly, failure gives us a deeper view of things. There are always causes for failure, both subjective and objective.

After analysis subjective factors, we should seriously think about the objective factors that caused the failure, so that makes us see things more comprehensive. This in itself is a process of learning. Thirdly, failure make us have sense of shame and then courage. After each failure we are very painful, but also makes us more eager to succeed. We will turn grief into strength to meet the challenge again. Finally, failure makes us humility. Humility has always been the core of human nature. With it we can close in with each other. As Nelson Mandela said, “Great peacemakers are all people of integrity, of honesty, but humility.”

As the saying goes the best things are difficult. To achieve good results, certainly will not happen overnight, and definitely need to go step

by step. Only those people strong enough to face the failure, and learning successful methods from failure, can thay achieve desired success.


失败教会了我们太多太多。首先,失败让我们看清自己。世界上没有全能奇才,我们都只是擅长某些方面。失败让我们了解到自己的优缺点,使我们找到最适合自己的方向。专注地投入,才能成就一个优秀的自我。第二,失败让我们对事物的看法更深入。失败总是有原因的,有主观的也有客观的。分析完了主观因素,我们也应该认真想想导致失败的客观因素,这样会使我们对事物的看法更加全面。这本身就是一个学习的过程。第三,失败让我们知耻后勇。每一次失败之后我们都很难受,但也使我们对成功更加渴望。我们会化悲痛为力量,去迎接再一次的挑战。最后,失败让我们谦逊。谦逊一直是人性的核心。有了它,我们才能与彼此亲密无间。“创造和平的人不仅诚实、正直,更重要的是他们谦逊。”纳尔逊??德拉(Nelson Mandela)如是说。


话题英语作文 篇4

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic Environmental Protection. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.

1. 全球变暖对地球环境造成了很大影响

2. 引起全球变暖的原因

3. 我们需要采取的措施


Environmental Protection

No one,regardless of race, religion or nationality, can deny that the world we live in is becoming increasingly intolerable because of the effects of global warming. According to many experts, even greater impacts are still on the way.

There are numerous causes for this problem. On one hand, human-related emissions of carbon into the atmosphere is causing, and will in the future cause, significant global warming according to the theory. On the other hand, the lack of knowledge about the importance of protecting environment hinders the solving of the problem.

It is urgent that immediate and effective actions should be taken right away. First, more trees need to be planted to help improve and beautify the environment. Besides, stricter laws concerning global warming and irresponsible use of fuel resources have to be put into effect and achieved good results. In a word, there is a long way to go before we can take a comfortable world for granted again .

话题英语作文 篇5

I have seen vicious terracotta warriors and horses, went to the misty misty Lushan, to the heavy makeup wiping Hangzhou West Lake, drank the fragrance of Longjing tea, but never tasted the mellow old Leng Mei, did not go to the spectacle of panoramic view Of Zhangjiajie. This summer, let me amazing. Because I went to Hunan Zhangjiajie tourism.

Hunan green tea in the world reputation, in many tea exhibition also received a lot of honor. Which Laojun eyebrow is produced in Yueyang City, West Lake Dongting Maojian tip, through exquisite and made. Laojun eyebrows have a long history, I believe we must know, "Dream of Red Mansions" Miaoyu hospitality Baochai and Dai Yu with plum snow on the cooking of the "Laojun Mei", is this. Have the opportunity you can try to try.

Not on the Yellowstone Village, in vain to Zhangjiajie. According to legend, Han Lihou Zhang Liang seclusion here was the victims of his division Huangshi Gong rescue, named Huang Shizhai. Yellowstone Village is located in the middle of the forest park, 1080 meters above sea level, the roof area of 16.5 hectares, is a magnificent viewing platform.

Like Huangshan, Huangshizhai also has many representative peaks. For example: pig eight daughter-in-law, pick the stars, Ding Hai God can make me the most impressive impression is a pillar of the South. It is in the South Gate of a up to more than 200 meters of the solitary peak, like the sky of the column. A head into the earth, a care to the sky, really heavenly set, gods, worthy of the masterpiece of nature.

Zhangjiajie not only fragrance of green tea, magnificent Huangshi Walled, there are recorded in the world Guinness Book of Records, "the world's first ladder." 100 dragon ladder investment of 180 million yuan, is the world's highest, fastest, the largest weight of the elevator, 335 meters high vertical, operating height of 326 meters, can run 3 meters per second, running only 118 seconds. Bailong ladder is a sightseeing elevator, running the lower half of the track in the mountains, dark, in the mountains of the moment, as drilling from the land, like the cool! Ballet ladder and beauty integration, really impeccable!

Zhangjiajie really deserved reputation, green tea fragrance, picturesque scenery. This 4 days, is my summer vacation the most happy time. Because it makes me feast for the eyes, so that my vision is more open, more knowledgeable. So, this summer I can live so colorful, unforgettable!

