
2022-05-15 10:50:39



过年英语作文 篇1

Chinese year is a chinese traditional festival. we also call it the spring festival. it is on lunar january 1st.

on year’s eve, all the people sit around the desk and have a big family dinner. there are some vegetables, some fish, some meat, some fruits and some drink like juice, coke, pepsi and some nice wine. overall, this is a good and delicious dinner. after dinner, we always watch tv year progammes. we have a wonderful evening on year’s eve.

on the first day of the spring festival, most of people get up early and say “happy year” to each other. for breakfast, people often eat dumplings and baozi. after breakfast, people often make many delicious foods, and children often play cards, computer games and fireworks. on the second and third day, we visit friends and relatives.

everyone is busy on chinese year, and everyone is happy, too.

过年英语作文 篇2

I have been longing for a long time, dancing happily, waving to us; Humming a merry tune, nodding to us. In the blink of an eye, there are white snowflakes floating in the mountains, just falling on the ground, and soon... A series of red lanterns hung high in the streets, and the bright neon lights lit up people's excited hearts and went home to celebrate the New Year. The naughty children rushed out of the house, carrying colorful lanterns and flying the joy of the heart. Adults laugh at the Spring Festival couplet, for the elders to worship, laughter in the crowd, in the heart of the fire.

Bright red clothes, new clothes, are worn by people. The people who jump up buy New Year's goods, eat fragrant rice, the heart is bursting with the joy of reunion, the table is filled with rich dishes, people eat in the mouth, sweet in the heart. Elegant red envelopes, represents the wishes of people, all over mountains, sent through the masses, people receive a red envelope show smile, said a few words on household words, send you a few words of blessing, a hug. Hey, the children take their parents' hands, accompany them to travel, and feel the holiday customs everywhere.

In the year, run in the small courtyard of every household, look at the scene of people, smiled happily...

过年英语作文 篇3

New Year, New Year, wear new clothes, wear new hats, wear new shoes, this year in my uncle's year.

Grandma and grandpa sat on the sofa, and my brother, Yang Yang, and my brother, kang kang, were on the head, and when they finished, they gave us a hundred dollars each. I'll give you something about the history of the New Year's money, once upon a time there was a to call old weirdo, as long as he touched the head of the three children, the children will be fever, cough woke up the next day, the ancient times have a family to give the child eight pieces of copper, when children are sleeping mother put the eight pieces of copper in the child's pillow, age to the evening when he was about to touch the child's head, the eight pieces of copper, suddenly a golden light years away. The next day the children's parents told the story to the adults and other people in the village, and the story of the lucky money was handed down.

The next day, writing a morning's homework is really tiring, grandma said, "let's have a rest, we steamed flower cakes!" My mother and I both said yes, we began to make flower cakes, they did, I was on the side to help plug the date grandma said that the fish represent more than the year, the hedgehog girl ate the enjoyment, the boy ate to work well. Flower cakes represent a rising trend.

In the evening, we want to wrap meat dumplings to eat, I asked mom how to do, can teach me? I didn't learn to make dumplings in a few minutes! I'm so happy, the dumplings are wrapped, the pot is down, out of the pot! I can't wait to taste my dumplings delicious!

I have been very happy and happy this Spring Festival, and have learned a lot of knowledge.

I wish you all a happy New Year!

过年英语作文 篇4

Today is the first day of the New Year. I got up at seven. The rest of the family got up much earlier than I did, and they had to pay a visit. It's just me and grandma.

I had just finished breakfast when my aunt and sister arrived. As soon as my grandmother saw her sister coming, she hurriedly asked me and my sister to kowtow to the lucky money. After I finished my head, my grandmother gave me and my sister 200 yuan each.

In the morning. When father, mother, uncle, master and aunt came back, grandpa bought a firecracker and went downstairs. Once I listen to and are interested in, then to grandpa said: "grandpa, I have never let off firecrackers, let me put" grandpa agreed, but still is not at ease, let daddy accompany me to go downstairs and set off firecrackers. My sister knew it, and she was going to have a good time. After going downstairs, I put the firecracker on the floor, bent down, picked up the lighter, and ready to light the lead. Suddenly, I heard my father shout quickly: "don't point!" I stood up and asked, "what's the matter?" "The father replied," I think the firecracker line is too short, and when it's on fire, it's too late to run. It's dangerous. When I was a kid, I was blown up by firecrackers, and I haven't dared to set off firecrackers in thirty years. "All right, all right," I said impatiently. "I'm not going to be blown up." As he spoke, he bent over to continue the firecracker. 'that's not good! Dad stopped me, "for insurance," dad said as he pulled a piece of tissue from his pocket and placed it under the firecracker's lead. "Now you can order this toilet paper head. "I listened obediently to my father -- and lit the head of the toilet paper. As soon as he was burning, he heard his father crying, "light, run!" I ran and thought: dad, dad, would you like to have a firecracker? When the fire on the toilet paper was on the fire, the firecrackers exploded. My sister smiled and covered her ears. I watched the fireworks explode so much that I thought if I didn't use the toilet paper, I might actually be blown up.

After lunch, my sister and I played CARDS for a while, and then we played chess with grandpa. But it was a very short time -- my father and mother, it was time to go home. After saying goodbye to my grandparents, I went home reluctantly, feeling that I had a good year.

过年英语作文 篇5

Spring festival is coming, the streets are busy!

Today, as soon as I stepped out of the house, I saw many beautiful scenes: people in the streets go shopping in groups, and new couplets hang in front of the home portal.

Wow! Some people on the road said, some laugh, some sing, some jump, very lively! Even the dog, Xiao Mao followed jumped up. Said with relish, smile, sing with emotion. Full of festive Chinese new year 's day.

There are all kinds of snacks in front of the store, melon seeds, candy, biscuits .... There are a lot of colorful clothes in front of the children 's clothing store, you squeeze me to fight for people to buy! The sign in the waiting box says, " I 'm the cow! " is telling people this year is the ox year!

Wish everyone happy new year, bullish!

过年英语作文 篇6

The Spring Festival is coming, and the atmosphere of the New Year is everywhere!

People wore a glamorous new clothes and everyone looks fresh, ear from shock ear guns from time to time, on the way, all the people in high spirits to their relatives, colleagues, friends, happy New Year, each with a sweet smile on her face.

At the door of every house is a Spring Festival couplet, the home hung a red red lantern.

Everyone bought firecrackers: the big thunder, the monkey, the fireworks, the fall, the cracker, the dazzling array. On the night of Spring Festival, all flowers bloom in the sky. Morning glory blowing purple small horn, gorgeous roses zhankai smiling faces, water lily woke up from my dream and noon flowers blossom, chrysanthemum in the air nodded, tobacco flowers wake in the dusk, the moon flower spread their petals, cordate telosma bursting beautiful flowers!

This New Year brings me happiness, lightness and happiness, and I will be in the New Year!


