
2023-03-29 22:16:50



运动会英语作文 篇1

on the afternoon of november 18, we had the opening ceremony of the fourth dongzhou middle school sports festival. each class gave a wonderful performance.

the next day, we had an exciting sports meeting. many players were in it. all the others just watched them. some were busy writing articles about it. the boys and girls 1500 metres races were the most exciting games.

the relay races were exciting, too. everyone cheered for the competitions. they did their best. when they scored for their own class, everyone was so excited that they jumped to their feet. the sports meeting didn’t end until four in the afternoon. we were tired but we were so happy.

运动会英语作文 篇2

Today is the annual spring sports meeting of our school. The theme of the sports meeting is "body" and "hat".

We will make our own caps for our sports meet. The hat of our class is like this: first, take a newspaper, then roll the newspaper into shape, then glue the two ends of the newspaper with two sided glue. Then take a newspaper, roll up the newspaper as before, then take scissors, and cut the middle shears of the newspaper to the width of the palm, so that the branches will be ready. Then stick the branches on the side of the circle and glue the towel to the whole body of the hat with white latex. After the white latex is dried, it can smear its favorite color. The hat of our class looks very simple, but it's hard to do it, don't believe it, you might as well do it.

We took the hat that we made with ourselves and came to the playground cheerfully. After a while, we walked to our class. We took the hat we made to the chairman's desk and shouted the slogan of our class: love nature and love sports 1101. After the call, we went to the lawn. After all the classes were finished, the sports meeting began.

The first project was the tug of war, and after the river was pulled out, it went to the parents and children.

After sleeping, group skipping took place. The time was 3 minutes. We united and skipped. Without speaking, we jumped to half. The cheerleaders suddenly shouted, "go for it, try hard, jump rope." It makes us jump better. 321 time arrived, we only missed one time, so our class jumped 257, almost the whole school first. When I heard the news, I jumped four feet high.

After the group skipping, the 100 meter woman ran. I waited for a long time to run. The sound of the gun, which we like playing chicken, the leopard generally ran out, finally, Julia Peng ran the second, I can't tell you? I guess!

How good it should be if time stays on this day forever!

运动会英语作文 篇3

Today, the sunny weather, our East Street primary school summer track and field, is ongoing.

"Everything - ready -" on the runway, 100 meters finals will begin.

... ... getting closer, he finally broke his chest with a sprint line, made the first.




运动会英语作文 篇4

"Come on! Come on! From the playground there were shouts and shouts of support. What was that? Originally, our school is holding the twelfth "young eagle wings" sports meeting.

At 7:30 in the morning, I had just arrived at the school, and my classmates came to the playground in a neat row, listening to the teacher's speech. Watch the students raise the national flag. When President huang announced that the sports competition was officially started, the whole playground was suddenly bubbling up, and there was a steady stream of cheering and cheering.

You see the athletes in the track and field, one by one like a rabbit flying away from the starting point, like a sharp arrow to the end, the students are excited to be present. Whether or not they win the first prize, they will be praised and encouraged by their classmates. Because in the heart of the students, these athletes have played the indomitable, tenacious fighting spirit, they are the hero in the sports field, is shan elementary school "liu xiang".

The women's 400m is about to begin, and the sports meet is doing its final preparations. With the sound of the gun, the players were off the starting line. In my class, wang siyu was in the second place, zhao minyue fell on the fall, the students were very anxious, desperately shouted: "wang siyu refueling! Come on, zhao min! ...... "It seemed that our voice had infected wang siyu, and finally she won the first place in the group. Zhao was closely followed by wang siyu, who came in second. My classmates cheered with joy.

运动会英语作文 篇5


Today, I'm finally looking forward to the election games. I've learned the lessons of last year.


Last year, I reported 400 meters and finished fifth in the race. I was not selected as a contestant. I could only watch others' competition. How sad that was! However, I found that my 60m is not bad. This year, I reported 60m. In addition, I also reported a long jump. Because Taekwondo coaches often let us practice long jump. I can dance well, too. I hope I can be selected to win honor for the class.

运动会英语作文 篇6

School Sports Meeting

Last month we had a sports meeting. Though the weather wasn't very fine that day, the students were all very excited and the whole school was alive. This time, I was even more excited.


Because I went for the sports meeting and my item was high jump. I didn't want to join any sport event, I only wanted to enjoy the game because I knew I wasn't good at sports.

因为我参加了运动会,并且我的团队是跳高。(作文地带建议:我们对参加了比赛项目是跳高)。我并不希望参加任何比赛项目,因为我并不擅长于运动,所以我只能静静的享受比赛。 When I arrived the playground with my friend. I was both excited and nervous. When I saw the first height, my heart could hardly heat.


How high it was! It was higher than our desks. I couldn't believe my eyes. This was too high for me to jump over. I wasn't nervous at that time while I was a bit afraid. But I had gone there, I must have a try.

好高啊! 比我们课桌都高一大截。我简直不能相信我的'眼睛。这让我跳过去,简直太高了。我那时已经不是紧张不安了,取而代之的是害怕。但是我必须往前走,我必须得尝试一下。 Not long after, the game began. The first person was great. He jumped over easily. I was too surprised to say a word. The second was good, too. The third nearly jumped over, but he wasn't the best.


It was my turn. I had a deep breath and then ran towards. In front of the pole, I began to jump. Oh, no! My right foot hit the pole. “I failed.” I thought. And then, another unlucky thing happened.


I didn't stand firmly and I tumbled. I hurt my back badly. At that moment I felt my back was broken. It was too painful. It seemed that the people around field all didn't know that, they only laughed at my foolish posture.


After a very short rest, I stood up.


I push my pain back and then went out of the field with my red face. My friend hurried to come to me. He asked me if this was terrible. I was too pained with my back to answer his questions. I only shook my head. I was sad. Not only I had hurt my back but also I couldn't go on in the game. I had to see the others jump and wish them to get a good place.



Though I didn't finish the whole game. I was still very happy. Because a lot of my classmates tried their best in the game and they got a lot of good score. They were all best in my eyes. I was thankful to them for doing their best for our class.


运动会英语作文 篇7



提示词语:year, take part in, field event (relay race, high jump, long jump, shot put, excited, take the first prize.

This year, I took part in the relay race, I was running the last lap. It was the final event on sports meet. Everyone was paying attention. All the runners got ready at the starting line.

As soon as the race began, everyone was too excited to stop cheering. When it was my turn, I could feel the Class 4’s runner catch up with me. So I try my best to run faster, finally, our class won the first prize in the most exciting event.

I was happy that I won another prize for my class. This is the most unforgettable sports that I had.

运动会英语作文 篇8

Every year, my school holds sports meeting in about October, I am very exciting about it, I can watch the wonderful game and don’t have class. My school’s sports meeting lasts three days, the class is suspended, all the students go to the play ground to watch the game. As an audience, I am so nervous and yell out “come on” to my classmate, watching they get to the final line, I am so proud of them. The part I like most is relay race, that is so exciting, all the students yell loudly, the athletes chase one by one, nobody can be sure who is the champion until the last minute. Sports meeting bring me so many beautiful memories.

