
2023-04-25 15:28:24



过年英语作文 篇1

What is it doing? The original home of the Spring Festival is coming, every household paste red couplets on the Spring Festival, hang red lanterns, something woke up the sleeping dragon, bang up the festive drum, jump up a lively yangko... A New Year has come!

"New Year! Eat dumplings, the streets decorated, beaming, adult children wear festive costumes, people outside the home, feel the holiday atmosphere, everyone with a smile on his face, his mouth said auspicious words, feet trample the firecrackers set off after the red petals, thick, soft, from a distance, like a red river, fantastic! The air was filled with the smell of happiness and happiness, a scene of joy and peace.

On the evening of the first seven days of the first month, there is a new fireworks party in my hometown. After dinner, people have come to light place, here have been packed, seven point three, fireworks open on time, listen to "bang" a loud noise, a salute Taking off, the instant blossom in the air, as if a beautiful lotus open in the bright sky, and then each chaotic sky of fireworks, sometimes like a silvery waterfall, some like chrysanthemum in full bloom, some like the peacock... Colorful, very beautiful flowers, one of my favorite fireworks like a machine gun, "dadada" a shot to the sky, and flames, deafening, dazzling, dizzying. In the crowd, cameras and mobile phones flicker, trying to capture the moment. The cheers, the exclamations are not in the ears, we jump, jump, lively!

The old and the new. The New Year is coming, I am a year old again, in the New Year, wish good luck to accompany me, I will also work harder, achieve excellent results!

过年英语作文 篇2

"Ah, finally big year 30, again can go to grandmother's house to eat!" I was so happy that I could play without restraint when I got to my grandmother's house.

At five o 'clock we were on time for my grandmother's house, but it was five minutes' walk. I hopped into my grandmother's house, and I saw that my grandmother was so busy that she was cooking and cooking like a guest of honor. After I took some boxes of firecrackers and greeted my grandmother, I went to play with my friends again. After 10 minutes, my grandma prepared dinner, and I quickly ran back, and I smelled a strong smell of food in the distance. I used all my strength to run home. When I came home, a delicious meal was in front of me! My saliva once again "flies down three thousand feet, doubt is the Milky Way nine days". To be honest: I haven't tasted this delicious, delicious food for a long time. If no one was there, I would have wiped out all the food on the table like a "hungry Wolf"! When the meal came, I stretched out the old man's hand for fear that he mig ……此处隐藏2275个字…… to children for good luck . People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune .

The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ”. People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest .

春节是中国最重要的节日。春节是庆祝日历上的农历新年。在春节到来的前一天晚上,家家户户要团聚在一起吃丰盛 的大餐。在很多地方的'人们还喜欢燃放鞭炮。过年的最传统的主食莫过于水饺了。这是孩子们非常喜欢的节日,因为他们可以吃美食,穿新衣。当然他们还可以拿到 他们父母亲戚给的压岁钱。拿到钱的小朋友会交到好的运气。人们会把春联贴在墙上象征吉祥如意。


过年英语作文 篇10


We all want to celebrate the new year. The new year is the happiest thing of the year for me. I can wear beautiful new clothes, receive all kinds of gifts, and buy new year;s gifts.


Before the new year, I would not wear new clothes, buy new year;s gifts, or It;s changed a lot now. During the new year, people have to change their clothes, invite guests to drink, and receive all kinds of gifts. They can also buy gifts themselves. But in the present era, many of the past customs are gone. It;s just such a simple thing. Wear new clothes, buy gifts, set off firecrackers, and go to relatives and friends; houses Door ah, eating dumplings and rice cakes is such a simple thing. Even in some places, firecrackers are not allowed to be set off. Now, there are no other customs for the new year. This is the change of the times. Those things are not matched with the trend. Some of them are not. I really want to experience the previous New Year customs, and there will be no such numbness and annoyance, so I don;t want to let myself Happy things, I think these new times are not as good as the previous times, you can be happy all day, and live some interesting customs, not like now, counting and counting just a few customs, it is easy to finish, the current customs are very common customs, how can there be so many interesting customs in the past to compare? I really hope that some of the customs in the past can be continued now. Even if they can;t keep up with the trend, they can also make us happy. Let our children grow up happily every day. How nice! No matter the past customs or the present customs, as long as the customs can be a little more, a little more happy, you can have a very, very good year.


I hope that the previous customs can be combined with the current customs, so that we can play more happily.

