
2023-07-02 14:48:15



英语作文 篇1

in china, with the enforcement of the birth control policy, most parents have only one child. the parents and grandparents have shown too much love to their only child; the number of spoiled children has increased in china. consequently(必然地), how to bring up the child becomes a serious problem to many young parents.

the only child has shown complete dependence on the parents. many five to seven-year-olds still hang(悬挂方式) on their patents in almost every aspect of life, from buttoning cloths to going to the toilet. these children have never learnt to do elementary household chores(家庭杂务). even worse, the only children tend to be ill mannered and self-centered. they often fight over something instead of cooperating together. parents give them calculators(计算者), turn on the television and leave the teaching to teachers. some parents even offer material incentives(鼓励) to reluctant(不情愿的) children to lure(引诱) them to learn and to do something. they are a generation of kids who have never been hurt or hungry. they have learned somebody will always do things for them.

the key to solving the problem of spoiled(被宠坏的) children lies in correctly educating both children and adult. in my opinion, hard life is good for children. parents should be used to saying no to the kid, and let a child do hard work. working hard will give him an opportunity to taste the bitterness quickly. besides, hard work may enable him to cherish(珍爱) the fruit of the others’ labor.

human society is full of tests and trials. flowers from a greenhouse(温室) can never withstand a storm. children who live luxuriously(奢侈地) and comfortably can never become somebody in the future. besides, to reduce the chance of spoiled children, parents and society must work together. meanwhile, both primary and nursery(幼儿室) school should step up their efforts in training children.

英语作文 篇2

l 事件引发的考虑

1. 学英语是仅让同学学习一种语言,还是学习一种文化?

2. 怎样灵活,有发明性的使用课本,使教材内容更加符合同学的需要和实际生活?

3. 怎样培养同学的跨文化交际意识?

l 事件描述


今天是本学期三年级外教口语班第一次上课,同学们满怀期待,第二节一下课就兴奋地让我带着他们到口语室去。一进门,一位约三十出头的女教师微笑着站起身来,同学们纷纷挥手向她打招呼,“Hello!”“Hi!”“Nice to meet you.”一声声热情的问候,一张张可爱的笑脸包围了她。她向我说,他们是这些天来她所接触到最有礼貌最热情的小朋友,她很喜欢他们。听了这番赞美之辞,我不由有些得意。对了,光顾着高兴,还没请教对方姓名呢,“May I have your name, please?” 我问道,她说她叫Angela。就在我们说话的这会儿,有几个男孩跃跃欲试,举手问Angela:“What’s your name?”这个句子就印在课本里,要是在平时的课堂上,我准会觉得他们发音准确,声音响亮。可是现在,在外国朋友面前,这句话听起来是那么的刺耳,其他同学也争先恐后地抛出了自身的问题 ,What’s your name? How do you come to school? Good afternoon.真是一群聪明伶俐的小朋友,几乎说出了所有在课本中学过的现在能派上用场的句子,只是他们没有注意到我由于尴尬而微微涨红的脸。我正准备挥手让他们恬静下来,几句响亮的“How old are you?”传入耳中。天哪!我曾经告诉过同学西方人禁忌的事呀,不知Angela听到这样敏感无礼的问题有何反应。我赶紧示意他们恬静下来,开始上课。Angela给同学分发资料了,局部同学接过资料,没有答谢,Angela还是那样和蔼可亲,看起来一点没有介意。我看在眼里,急在心里。

这堂生动的外教课,我的大局部同学表示都很出色,反应灵敏,大胆发言,可是,少局部同学暴露出我教学的单薄环节。第一,当询问对方姓名的时候,仅仅知道说What’s your name?而忽视了礼貌用语Please。第二,当接过他人递来的东西时,忘记说Thank you。第三,对他人尤其是女性直接问How old are you? 这些或许不是大问题,但同学只知机械套用书本句子,没有考虑到中外文化习俗的差别,在实际的语言交际中就了出现了问题。

l 教学反思


l 点评


英语作文 篇3

As is known to all, the birth of the Internet and progress to improve the development of human society speed, destined to promoting the human society civilization process, destined to constantly to bring convenience and happy people。 But everything has advantages and disadvantages double properties, the Internet is no exception。Internet is extensive and deep penetration to people work and all aspects of life, is changing our way of life, the study and working methods。 As with high cultural quality of the college students, it is undoubtedly network spokesman。 On one hand, college students through the network access to unprecedented wide space, can be more effective and widely access to information, knowledge and exchange emotions and know the society; On the other hand, the network space and dizzying colour entice wet behind the ears of the students, make part of students encounter some confusion。 Network in today's college students has become an important channel for the exchange of information and entertainment。 During the university have no contact with the network of college students have no。 Click on the network, civilization and pollution also with the click of a mouse moves in each window display, have the sun, but also a dark corner。

英语作文 篇4





I'm an 18-year old middle school student. I have been busy with my study and seldom helped my parents with the housework. Feeling quite sorry for that, I begin to think about what to do to help.

Last Sunday, when my parents went out shopping, I suddenly got an idea: why not give the rooms a thorough cleaning? Firstly I collected all the books, newspapers and other things scattered in the rooms and put them in place. Then I wiped the dust off all the furniture. After that, I swept and mopped the floors.

At this very moment, my parents came back and were quite surprised to see all the rooms tidy and floors shining. My mother gave me a hug and I could see satisfaction in her eyes. Tired as I was, I never felt so happy.

英语作文 篇5

Seventeen years ago ,I was a baby ,I didn‘t know anything, just eating,watching and screaming.

As time goes by ,I become a little boy ,full of curiosity and mistakes, Ididn't know the society.

Now, with the help of my parents, teachers and friends, I get stronger, more wisdom and more responsible, I am a true boy, I get into the river of society and be together with different people, I learn much more, not only knowledge, but also the living skills ,I get out of young and innocent.And I understand a true boy should help others, do something for the society, be more generous, more polite.A true boy is a benchmarking of the society, although the society is king of dangerous, we should get into it and work it out, just for you, for me, for others.

I am now a boy, I should be like a man.

